I am getting old. I don't dispute that. But I don't think there should be an age limit on the wearing of pants.
The more I look around these days, the more I notice a distinct lack of pants in the younger generations.
Here's the thing girls. Leggings are not pants. Tights are not pants. Stockings are not pants. And most importantly, if you are wearing shorts that are slightly shorter than the length of your t-shirt, we don't know you are wearing pants and so therefore, they ALSO do not count as pants.
I don't have a problem with great legs. Don't get me wrong. I'm supportive of hot women getting out the short dress, the tight short shorts, the very brief skirt etc etc. More power to them. If you've got it, flaunt it. But my problem is with the unfinished outfit. It's like women are pulling on their undies, dragging on a pair of tights, yanking on a t-shirt, answering an urgent phone call and then running out the door without remembering to put SOME PANTS ON.
I don't know. Maybe I am wrong.
Don't even get me started on leopard print tights.
Since when do heels get so cold that said tights have to be tucked into them and go half way down the foot?