Ok married women of the world. I don't get it. You have access to a perfectly good, consensual partner everyday of your lives and yet you have reluctant sex every six months or so.
I understand you have small children who wake inconveniently and at strange hours. I understand that you don't feel sexy when your pyjamas are stained with breast milk and your hair has mashed banana in it. I understand that you have seventeen thousand other priorities and foremost of these is the replenishment of the years of sleep you are owed. I understand that your partner is basically useless in terms of assisting you in the parenting of your children...try as he might, he can't do what a set of boobs can for a baby. I understand that at times you might resent the poor bastard as he swans through the door at seven at night after a hard day's work and comments on the untidy state of the kitchen. I understand that your vagina has been through a degree of torture that is unthinkable to me and my non-breeding peers.
Lying next to you every night is a perfectly good penis attached to a perfectly good man. Whilst we single ladies have many things you don't have (regular manicures, unscheduled daytime naps, weekend sleep-ins, privacy, unlimited drinking opportunities, no responsibility at all, etc etc), we think it unfair that you should not take advantage of your situation more regularly.
Several of you have even admitted that while most of the time although the thought of sex is actually repulsive to you, when you actually engage in it you seem to remember why you once enjoyed it. Sex is free. Sex is fun. Sex is the one thing you could do that would have absolutely nothing to do with your children. Unless of course you are doing that weird attachment parenting which means your baby will be way too close and might psych you out of any erotic endeavour).
So on behalf of all the people for whom abstinence is not a choice, GET ON WITH IT. If you can't remember how its done I can recommend some websites that should provide enough visual cues to get the balls rolling (sorry, I couldn't help myself).
hahahahahah LOVE IT!!!!!